Head Massage

Head Massage Service In Maryland

If you often get headaches and lose the ability to think clearly by the end of the day, then you just need a head massage. This is a traditional Chinese treatment that is old, time-tested, and efficient. It began in the ancient East, long before our day, when doctors in China and India decided which points on the human body were responsible for specific organs, and then acted on these points to affect the whole human body.

Massage can help to alleviate stress and exhaustion, as well as improve hair growth and scalp health. Massage of the head increases blood supply and, as a result, nutrient distribution to the skin. Of course, hair growth and overall health have increased. Furthermore, dead skin cells are exfoliated, the sebaceous glands are cleansed, which is often helpful, and the hair thickens and takes on a healthy sheen. A complex series of reflex responses in the human body is caused when a head massage is performed.

Massage can also assist with neurological disorders. Muscle relief is almost always felt after a massage, and mood improves as well. Massage is beneficial as a preventative measure; if you suffer from chronic migraines or dizziness, daily massage will help you eliminate or substantially minimise these uncomfortable symptoms.

The ease of head massage is also attributed to the fact that it does not necessitate any special training, such as undressing or using special massage creams and oils. A head massage can also help with mental stress and tension. A good massage can only help your body, but there are some contraindications to consider.

Massage is nothing more than a boost of blood flow to the region where the pressure is applied. Head massage is akin to skin and subcutaneous layer gymnastics. Massage improves blood circulation, which increases the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues while also speeding up the process of eliminating decay products.

When massaging the head, nerve receptors are activated on the one side, and the muscles of the head that are continuously stressed are relaxed on the other. As a result, head massage helps to relieve headaches, stress, neurasthenia, and dizziness, as well as migraines and insomnia.

Head Massage Indications

  • Stress, particularly regular or even persistent stress, is known as chronic stress.
  • Stress that is both psychological and emotional is known as psycho-emotional stress.
  • Any neurotic manifestations and reactions
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Worry and anxiety
  • Disruptions in sleep
  • Concussion, brain contusion, and brain compression are all forms of head trauma.
  • aches and pains
  • Cardiovascular diseases are a group of illnesses that affect the circulatory system.
  • Colds that do not cause a fever
  • Alopecia (hair loss) caused by a non-infectious cause.

For all of these uncomfortable conditions, a traditional head and collar massage works wonders, and it does so naturally, without the use of psychotropic drugs.

Tonic strain of the scalp muscles is responsible for 80% of all headaches. The word “tension headaches” was coined to describe them. Manual massage has proved to be the most powerful medical procedure for influencing them. It is now the most common therapy. Head massage has a strong immunostimulant effect, so if you’re sick, it can help your body cope with the illness. Massage, on the other hand, is not recommended during an acute or exacerbation of a chronic illness.


Both people who do not have severe health issues will benefit from a head massage in Maryland in general. However, the person’s age and the prevalence of chronic diseases must always be considered. Massage for the elderly should be performed with caution; it should not be too hard or too long. Massage is also not recommended for people who have scalp infections, pustular eruptions, fungal diseases, or eczema. 

Massage is not recommended if you have a lot of hair loss. It goes without saying that a head massage should be avoided in the event of a severe head injury.People with hypertension should seek medical advice first, and head massage is not recommended for those with severe hypertension. Massage is not recommended for people who have high intracranial pressure without first consulting a doctor, as massage may be harmful to the patient.

Our experts will be able to connect you with a massage therapist who’s really suitable for you.